Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Plant Essential Private Limited. Our visitors' privacy is a top priority at VDC, which is reachable through Types of data that collects and records are listed in this Privacy Policy document, along with how we use it. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any more queries or need details regarding our privacy policy. This privacy statement is relevant for website visitors with regard to the data they share with and/or gather through, but it only applies to our online operations. Any information obtained outside of this website or through sources other than it is not covered by this policy.


You hereby accept our Privacy Policy and its contents and agree to use our website.

At the time we ask you for your personal information, we will make clear the personal information we are requesting from you as well as the reasons we are asking for it.

If you get in touch with us directly, we might also learn more about you, including your name, phone number, email address, the message you send us, any files you submit, and any other details you decide to share.

We may request contact information from you when you register for an account, such as your name, company name, address, email address, and phone number.

Recommendations and uninvited contributions:

If you provide us with feedback regarding this website, our products, or our services, you give us permission to use that feedback to enhance our website or services (as well as for any other purpose we deem appropriate or desirable) without having to compensate you in any way for our use of that feedback. In the event that you do send us unsolicited ideas, we will consider them as "user content" in accordance with our terms of use; they will be regarded as non-confidential; and we are not obligated to provide credit where credit is due.

Information for Children

Adding security to the internet for kids is also one of our priorities. We urge parents and guardians to monitor, participate in, and/or participate in their children's online activities. Children under the age of 13 cannot wilfully provide with any Personal Identifiable Information. If you believe that your child may have submitted this type of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to notify us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.

Despite our best efforts to safeguard the security of your personal information, you recognise that there is a chance that third parties could intercept or access your transmissions, data, or information on your computer system or on this website without your knowledge. For any losses you could incur as a result of such unauthorised access or alteration, we do not accept responsibility or obligation of any kind. You are solely responsible for your use of this Website and the internet and undertake all risks associated with it. This includes the transmission of any information to or from you. We disclaim all liability for any interference with or damage to your personal computer system that results from accessing this website.